Ok---this is for my husband, because I haven’t written in 1 month, and he apparently checks it and asks me EVERY single day.

This month has actually gone by really fast!  Sorry for the lack of updates, but the nausea finally passed and with a surge of energy and major deadlines to meet for work, I haven’t stopped moving in quite a few weeks now. 

We had a check up yesterday, and I was given “an A+ for growing people.”  Both babies look great and are measuring 11oz each, and are still literally doing flips.  The little girl went from breach position to head down just in the time that they were doing the ultra-sound.  The little boy has his butt poked in the air and firmly planted right between my ribs.  Pretty comfy, I have to say.

So, the past few weeks have brought about some—we’ll say—interesting changes.  First—a positive exciting one—the twins have started moving like small acrobats and have become a force to be reckoned with between my ribs and hips.  The first day I felt them, it felt something like being on a small diesel engine fishing boat that was spinning in circles all day.  Then they stopped the sloshing so much and started a slightly more aggressive---what feels like---punching and kicking.  Yes, my children are beating the living daylights out of me.  I feel a little like I haven’t even had the opportunity to ruin their lives yet and they already hate me.  The Dr. said yesterday that with as active as they are, the insomnia will probably kick in shortly and I may be in for a ‘literally’ bumpy ride.

My stomach is growing exponentially.  My ever so PC client actually asked if I was having rabbits instead of babies because they seemed to be multiplying so quickly.  This is no exaggeration--it’s seriously bigger, daily.  It also feels like my guts are about to bust out.  It is something kind of like over eating to an extreme, but far worse.  Maybe being placed in a Chinese torture room with a stretching machine that is pulling me in every direction—yea…that describes it better.  Or the stressed look that a latex balloon gets when you blow it up too big, just before it POPS.

Needless to say, for anyone who has been pregnant, along with the precious baby movement has arrived the fires of hell in my chest (which probably has something to do with the aforementioned butt between my ribs).   The heart burn is absolutely horrendous, which is not something I have really ever experienced before—so I would like someone to please run a fire hose down my throat and put it out, because Tums-though I eat them like candy-do nothing.

Also, I seem to have lost my belly button.  I’m not sure where it went… a few days ago it looked like it was smiling at me it was pulled to taught and now it’s hardly there at all—that is, unless I try to sit up from a laying position, then it quickly reappears in the form of an outy. 

A few stretch marks are starting to appear---which are, ughh…nauseating.  The thought of putting my body back together after delivering the babies already has me dreading the gym and hellacious trainer I’m going to have to get to motivate me.  It occurred to me that the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty, was more than likely actually written by a mother in distress over her new-found physique.

The past few weeks I have had more energy during the day than I have known what to do with…it’s been great!  There were a couple of days that I was self-proclaimed Wonder Woman at the end, but then I sat back to assess my accomplishments and realized that really they only amounted to shopping a lot, buying a lot of stuff for the house and the nursery (fabric, furniture, accessories, more fabric, more furniture, a few baby clothes, a good many maternity clothes), which we obviously needed every bit of and spending a lot of money.  So, maybe I wasn’t so Wonder Womanish, but it felt good to check some things off the list finally, after weeks of being all but bed ridden. 

The house is finally coming back together.  I will post pictures soon, but I honestly haven’t seen it myself in over a week.  We are temporarily living with my brother (thank you Josh, love you!), while the house is painted and the floors are finished—since poisoning your unborn children with paint fumes is not generally advised.

All in all, it’s been a good month!  I’ll head to Pittsburgh this weekend for a cousin’s wedding, so look for some interesting stories next week!