Happy Birthday to Ken, Happy Birthday to Ken!

So this will be a short one, but first--Happy Birthday to my loving, wonderful, ever so sensitive and caring husband, Ken, who had quite possibly the best day of his life this morning.  

The doctor's visit today went amazingly.  Granted--1.5 hours, turned into 3, which made me late to my hair appointment with my sister (Sorry, Nicole!), but it was well worth it.  Everything looked normal and healthy.  The babies' heartbeats were strong--both 153, and they were moving like crazy.  Ken has taken to calling them Rock'em Sock'em Robots, like there is a red one and blue one duking it out from the corners of my belly.  

What we did find out today though---quite early to our surprise--is that it is actually a blue one and pink one putting up such a fight!  We were told with 95% confidence that twin B is a boy and 90% confidence that twin A is a girl.  Perfect!  Ken is now fully prepared to be clipped shortly after the second one arrives and we'll call that a day.

I do believe though that part of what I have been experiencing is as much motion sickness and morning sickness.  The boy, in particular, is literally turning flips and punching me.  

This news called for a birthday celebration with a dance down the elevator and a peach milkshake from Chick fil A---for my husband, not the pregnant lady. 

This evening was equally exciting as the MC Hammer marble floors (you can see in the previous post) and the pee stained (thanks to the ever so territorial Mr. Harvey) carpet, are entirely gone, with more work to be done through tomorrow and Sunday.  Granted, we have no furniture or floors at all at this point, and the house is a death trap for a child.  But it's a work in progress.  In Lebron James' words-"Rome wasn't built in one day."

Thank you again to my Dad, Josh, Fielding and Randy for your help! Here are some shots of the progress...

Have a great weekend!


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