Bed Rest…Blah……

So, after weeks of hustling to get back in the house and boxes still all over the place (not to mention my closet looking something like tornado struck trailer-between the already chaos of the maternity clothes that there is no place for, bags still in the floor from living at my brother’s for a month, and the trip to Savannah), we were excited for the doctor’s appointment this week since it has been almost a month since our last visit.

After chugging the equivalent of 4oz of orange Triaminic for the glucose test for gestational diabetes, we got to go in for the ultrasound.  The babies looked great.  1.7lbs (the girl-a.k.a. “twin A”) and 1.6lbs (the boy-a.k.a. “twin B).  Heartbeats are strong, and they were constantly moving-making it difficult for Ken to get his pictures to update his growing wallet portfolio.  Then they checked my cervix… 

We had no reason to think they would find any issue because on every other visit they had talked about how good everything looked, how long my cervix was, etc.  This time…not the case.  It measured 3.4cm to begin with-which was good…  however, with pressure it shrunk to 2.7cm with internal funneling…which is bad.

I was sent home on bed rest and we went back for a follow up appointment yesterday where they did a fetal fibro-nectin test and another ultrasound.  The results from the test – as usual – required waiting until this morning.  The ultrasound showed that my cervix was down to 3.0cm and went to 2.6cm with pressure and more funneling with a .6cm internal dilation. 

Now, I don’t really know what all that means, but the translation is bed rest until further notice.  The results of the FFN test came back negative this morning, meaning we didn’t have to go to the hospital and there isn’t an immediate risk of pre-term labor in the next 7 days—but still, bed rest.  We are now on schedule for weekly visits and monitoring, and praying that it doesn’t get worse.  I did, however, "pass" the glucose test - so no gestational diabetes! but my iron levels were really low.  So, more steak?

We are optimistically hoping that when we go next Thursday there will be improvement and my restrictions will be lifted, but after reading about this last night we learned that this is actually called “an incompetent cervix.” There is nothing you can do about it, or to have caused it really--it's (in this case) from the increased pressure of twins.  It rarely improves, you can just hope it stabilizes and does not rapidly get worse, causing you to go into labor.

Nice start to motherhood…  “incompetence!”

On a brighter note…I have spent about three hours this morning watch my stomach move.  It looks like an alien is trying to come out of my belly button.  


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